"End an epidemic that strikes every 17 seconds..." (ADA, 2001)
November marks the beginning of American Diabetes Month. To kick it off, The American Diabetes Association is kicking it off with "Raise your hand to stop diabetes." Through this initiative, Americans are encouraged to take a pledge to help stop diabetes. This could be done by pledging to eat healthier, educate friends and family, or simply spreading the word about this initiative. As a diabetic myself, this is something that is very important to me. The day I was diagnosed on 8/28/11 was the exact day that I made the pledge to be a healthier me. This is blog is a part of my pledge. Losing 30+ lbs. is a part of my pledge. Feeding my family healthier choices is a part of my pledge.
WHAT IS YOUR PLEDGE?You may make your pledge by liking the American Diabetes Association on Facebook and sharing your pledge with your Facebook friends and family. You may just save one person from having to deal with this disease. After you take your pledge, I encourage you to come back here and share your pledge with the readers of this blog.